
More than 10 years of experience,  more than 10000 satisficed patients, providing authentic Ayurveda & Panchakarma treatments from 3 different clinics 

Suvarna Prashan

An Ancient Ayurvedic Medicine containing Suvarna i.e. Gold and other medicinal herbs for the better growth and development of your child.

Hair Oil

A purely Ayurvedic hair oil made from many beneficial Ayurvedic Herbs like Bhringaraj that nourishes your hairs from roots and helps to grow hair Thicker, Longer & Stronger.

Eye Drop

In a world full of bright screens and harmful rays protect your eyes with Ayurvedic Eye Drops. It contains herbs like Aamla and Haritaki which maintain the well-being of your eyes & vision.

Nasya Oil

In this today’s stressful lifestyle let your head and mind be free from stress, respiratory infections, and another disease with Ayurgram Ayurvedic Nasya oil.

Cuten Oil

Perfect medicinal oil for a wide variety of skin problems like psoriasis, skin discoloration, itching & allergies, and many more.

Karnpuran Tail

Karna Purana is the Sanskrit term for the Ayurvedic technique of administering warm oil into the ear canals. It reduces dryness or itching in the ears, prevents ear infections, reduces ringing in the ears

These medicines are available at all branches of Ayurgram Ayurveda and for registered patients of Ayurgram Only.

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