New patients are requested to fill the medical history form for better analysis of your health problem

Patients FAQ

Doctors are available for online as well as offline consultation at Ayurgram. We recommend always prefer prior appointment rather than direct walk in (Except emergency).

  1. For new patients kindly fill up Medical History form first then get an appointment (Call – 9834568266)
  2. Regular patients prefer WhatsApp (9834568266) for appointments.
  3. Online consultation will be done on Google Meet platform and you will be given link for same at scheduled consultation time.

After consultation as per doctors advice you will get authentic Ayurgram medicines.

  1. Every medicine is given with proper label and number describing how you should take the medicines.
  2. In case one of the medicine do not have label contact on WhatsApp (9307741587) and provide your registration number along with your query.
  3. If your query is not solved within same day clinic time call directly. (call – 9307741587)
Consider some general points before contacting clinic.
a) Before food medicines should be taken before 05 to 10 minutes of food until and unless directed by doctor.
b) After food medicines should be taken 05 to 10 minutes of the food.
If you missed before food medicine dose you can take those medicines after food also but don’t make that a rule.

Don’t worry at all,

If you missed before food dose consider it can be taken after food.

If you missed after food dose consider it should be taken as early as possible.

Ayurvedic medicines generally do not possess any side effects, however sometime some individuals can feel hotness in stomach, vomiting sensation or abdominal pain along with loose motions. 

Generally these symptoms are mild and eventually disappears after few days, but if symptom persist more than three days consider dose adjustment by doctor. 

In such case WhatsApp to doctor (9970278707) or if emergency you can call directly. Otherwise consult your doctor on regular follow up day.

When  any Ayurvedic medicine is prescribed for right patient in a right dose it generally they do not cause any side effect. However without analyzing once Prakruti, Vaya and in improper dose may cause unwanted side effects. 

However certain Pathya Palan (Following Diet & Lifestyle) is must for every patient who is under Ayurvedic treatment to avoid undesirable side effects.

Its totally depends upon which medicines your doctor has used, Ayurvedic medicines are generally combination of multiple powders and herbomineral preparations, so medicine cost may vary sometimes.  Additionally sometimes “Suvarna Kapla” (Gold preparation) has to be used and these medicines are really expensive.


Panchakrma is Shodhan (Detoxification) procedure so ayurvedic books has very minute details about what you should do Before, During & After panchakarma procedure. Post Panchakarma precautions may vary from procedure to procedure and all related with your diet and lifestyle. 

We advice after Shodhan procedure like Vaman, Virechan and Basti you must follow the diet and lifestyle advised by your doctor to enhance the effects of Panchakarma.

Yes, your all personal details and medical history is safe with us. We strictly follow ethical code of conduct so your medical details are safe with us.

General FAQ

The word “Ayurveda” is Sanskrit: आयुर्वेद, Ayurveda, meaning knowledge of life and longevity. It is an ancient system of medicine specifically developed in Indian subcontinent around 1000 B.C.

Many systems of medicines like Allopathy, Unani & siddha.

Ayurveda has an ancient history of treating various diseases, performing complicated surgeries and has principles based on clinical observations. Since the ancient time Ayurveda is relieving variety of disorders effectively today also. The conditions like Arthritis, sciatica, allergic rhinitis, asthma, skin diseases like psoriasis and all health ailments treated by Ayurvedic treatment have excellent results. In addition Ayurveda not only treats body disorders but it also maintains Health and well being at physical, mental and social level .

Yes, WHO does recognize Ayurveda as a traditional medicine system along with conventional medicine systems of other countries.

Planning and execution of policies for mainstreaming of traditional medicines (TRM) of respective countries along with conventional system of medicine (allopathy), first in the country of origin followed by the international arena, is the priority agenda of operations of WHO. Within Indian context, WHO accorded prime focus to Ayurveda in its activities related to TRM.

Myth! The science of Ayurveda has often been associated with myths and misconceptions. Ayurvedic therapies being an ancient science of life, people do not always have the proper awareness about it.

The time required for complete healing is depends upon various factors like nature, duration and severity of the diseases and also do’s & don’ts followed by patients.

In variety of cases ayurvedic treatment gives you surprisingly fast results.

Another popular misconception about Ayurvedic drugs that they do not have any side effects. Whenever medicine is used inappropriately certainly it will cause side effects.

Though this statement is true in Ayurvedic medicines consisting of herbs and plant products, Ayurvedic medicines have lesser chances of developing side effects as compared to modern science medicines.

Ayurvedic drugs evoke the kind of response similar to the food we eat and it is safe for the same reason for prolonged use.

Almost every disease can be treated well with the help of proper and authentic ayurvedic treatment provided by us. Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, spine diseases, sciatica, kidney diseases, liver disorders, allergic conditions like urticaria, psoriasis and other skin diseases, Hyperacidity and lifestyle disorders like Hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, Thyroid diseases and also mentally disturbed conditions like stress, anxiety, depression etc. can be treated successfully by Ayurveda.

Qualified medical staff

Well qualified and experienced medical staff experts in various Panchakarma therapeutic procedures also having precise knowledge of Ayurvedic treatments that will help in speedy recovery from the diseases, maintaining health and taking good care of our patients.

Over 10 years of experience

Ayurgram Ayurveda has been working for over 10 years in the field of Ayurveda for the well being of the Patients in India as well as abroad not only treating a great deal of patients and making their lives healthy and harmonious but also creating a healthy and precious bond with us.

Authentic treatments & Care

Ayurgram offers the classical Ayurvedic treatment including authentic Panchakarma Therapies with proper facilities and classical Ayurvedic drugs treatment along with expert guidance by highly qualified doctors and genuine care of the patients.