
More than 10 years of experience,  more than 10000 satisficed patients, providing authentic Ayurveda, Panchakarma & Yoga treatments from 3 different clinics 

We conduct regular One yoga Batch only

  • Each Yoga Batch will start on the 1st of every month.
  • It will be 20 days of class per month for the regular batch.
  • There will be 0nly 8 students per batch.
  • You are requested to bring a mat.

Batches – 

  • Batch – Morning 06:30 AM

Daily Yoga Routine

  1. Warm-up exercises
  2. Asana
  3. Pranayama
  4. Meditation and Relaxation.
  1. The fees for each month will be 750/- which you have to submit on or before 1st date of each month.
  2. You will be added to the Yoga group only after registration & payment

Steps for registration

  1. Read all instructions given on this page.
  2. Talk with Doctor if needed.
  3. Pay by using QR code above.
  4. Fill out the Application form.
  5. Attend yoga classes.

Please Note

  • There will be 0nly 8 students per batch.
  • The fees for each month will be 750 per student per month.
Ayurgram Yoga

Micro Exercises

Warming up helps prepare your body for aerobic activity. Warming up may also help reduce muscle soreness and lessen your risk of injury


Expand the foundation of your yoga practice with our guides to different yoga styles, yoga terminology, philosophy, history, and much more.


Meditation and mindfulness are buzzwords these days for good reason. Yogis have been practicing dhyana (meditation) for millennia.

Disease specific Yoga

We have designed specific Asanas & Meditation programs for specific disease specially for Ayurgram patients, contact us for more details

Plus Happy students